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Vertiv™ Liebert® GXT5 Lithium-Ion UPS

The Vertiv Liebert GXT5 Lithium-Ion UPS provides the highest level of power protection for your business-critical IT applications.

Smartest in the room: cutting-edge Lithium-Ion Tech with unmatched features



Liebert GXT5 Lithium-Ion (LI) online UPSs are ideally suited to protect mission-critical infrastructure in edge or distributed IT applications. The life expectancy of lithium-ion batteries is 2 to 3 times that of VRLA batteries. That delivers up to 50% in TCO savings vs. VRLA batteries, primarily because the Liebert GXT5 LI requires fewer battery replacements over its lifespan. You save not only on the cost of batteries but also on the time and labor cost required to replace them – an especially significant issue at remote locations with few or no IT personnel on site. In short, the Liebert GXT5 Lithium-Ion UPS is a true low-maintenance, set-it-and forget-it solution.

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What are the benefits and features of the Liebert GXT5 UPS

Click the buttons below to learn its features.

High Power Factor (1.0)

More usable power enables more connected load saving space and costs.

Hot-Swappable, User-Replaceable Batteries

Increase product life and reliability with batteries that can be easily replaced without disrupting power to connected equipment.

Efficiency (up to 98%) in Active ECO mode

Superior protection with maximum efficiency

Colored graphic LCD with Gravity Sensitive Orientation

User-friendly interface provides insight to UPS status for easy installation, configuration and operation.

High Power Factor (1.0)

More usable power enables more connected load saving space and costs.

Battery Cabinets with Auto-Detection

Be confident the UPS is set up correctly to report available runtime when used with up to eight external battery cabinets.

Product Warranty

Comprehensive coverage through a standard two-year advanced exchange warranty.

Compact rack/tower design

Space-saving UPS provides rack space optimization and flexible installation.

Wide Input Voltage Range

Prolong battery life by allowing the UPS to maximize the use of the utility power before transferring to battery

Efficiency (up to 95%) in Online Mode

Energy Star 2.0 certification. Higher efficiency means an optimized energy management and lower heat dissipation, for energy savings and improved reliability.


Learn the advantages of using Lithium-Ion batteries in Single-Phase UPS Applications.


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