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DCD Grid Scale: Leveraging UPS solutions to enable revenue generation. Where is the opportunity and what are the challenges?

25 maja, 2022

Data Center Dynamics 256533
DCD Grid Scale: Leveraging UPS solutions to enable revenue generation
maja 25, 2022

Today’s data centers are presented with greater opportunity to participate in the power generation supply chain.  This panel explores the data center industry journey toward grid service interaction thus far but and offers clarity on the factors that are hindering progress. In particular, this discussion will address:

  • Installation challenges for new technologies
  • How these technologies can be integrated alongside legacy systems
  • How monitoring and prediction tools can help data center leaders can understand grid service participations effect on their operations prior to implementing new technologies


Date: May 25, 2022 | Time: 10 am EDT  

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Arturo Di Filippi
Global Offering Manager - Smart Power, Vertiv

Arturo joined Vertiv as Global Offering Manager for Large AC Power UPS in September 2020 after previous experiences in the heating industry, renewable energy & power, oil & gas and packaging companies. His focus extends to the application areas of Vertiv's UPS to grid services and energy management. He holds a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, a PhD In Industrial Engineering and an Energy Manager Certification.

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