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Warranty | Avocent LV 3000/4000/5000 KVM Extender Series

Avocent Standard Warranty Compliance Regulatory Information Maintenance Product Overview

Avocent Extended Warranty Coverage
Ordering Details

Vertiv warrants all Avocent products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for period of 90 days from the date of purchase by the User. Some products have longer warranty coverage periods. Please review the appropriate Avocent warranty documentation for your specific product.

If you require additional support, Avocent Extended Warranty coverage can provide the peace of mind you need. Details on the Avocent Extended Warranty Options can help you determine the right coverage for your environment.

GOLD Support (24x7 Priority Support & Advanced Replacement)

Part NumberDescription


1 YR GLD HW Maintenance LV


2 YR GLD HW Maintenance LV


4 YR GLD HW Maintenance LV

View the LV 3000 Series View the LV 4000 Series View the LV 5000 Series
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