Alber Universal Xplorer Telecom Monitor (UXTM)
The Universal Xplorer Telecom Monitor (UXTM) is a stationary battery monitor designed for use in telecommunications or in DC powered data centers. The system architecture is a flexible design for monitoring virtually any battery configuration using VLA, VRLA or NiCd technologies in 24 to 48VDC applications.
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- Centro de datos/Coubicación/Hosting
- Telecomunicaciones
Alber Universal Xplorer Telecom Monitor (UXTM)
The Universal Xplorer Telecom Monitor (UXTM) is a stationary battery monitor designed for use in telecommunications or in DC powered data centers. The system architecture is a flexible design for monitoring virtually any battery configuration using VLA, VRLA or NiCd technologies in 24 to 48VDC applications.
- Centro de datos/Coubicación/Hosting
- Telecomunicaciones
The 24V and 48V monitoring system provides detailed battery information, allowing for cost savings by optimizing useful battery life. Instead of waiting for an inevitable failure or replacing batteries prematurely to prevent problems, you can continue to utilize your batteries longer and with confidence by knowing their true internal condition.