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Telefónica 10th Global Workshop on Energy and Climate Change (9 - 11 October 2019)

octubre 09 - octubre 11, 2019

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Telefónica 10th Global Workshop on Energy and Climate Change
octubre 09 - octubre 11, 2019
Barceló Renacimiento Hotel, Sevilla, Spain
Vertiv's proud to be invited to Telefónica's 10th Global Energy and Climate Change Workshop this year taking place in Seville, Spain. The annual meeting place for leaders in energy transformation and collaborating companies in the field. During the event, the latest energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives are exposed and shared. 
We’ll be presenting on how we helped Telefónica cut their energy consumption as well as their capital expenditure by providing Energy Savings as a Service (ESaaS) across Telefónica’s core and access sites in Europe and America. 
We look forward to showcasing our new generation, energy-efficient edge solutions to support applications at the enterprise level and the mobile network. 

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