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Choosing the Best Power Distribution Unit for Your Data Centre

settembre 03, 2021

Remote Power Panels and Busways Help Data Centre Teams Standardise, Simplify and Scale

The data centre market is red-hot around the world, as enterprises enable hybrid work models and accelerate digital business initiatives. Hyperscalers, internal data centre teams and colocation providers are supporting this fast-paced growth by providing vital IT services.  

Between 2020 and 2025, the colocation industry alone will add close to 2,000 MW of new data centre capacity each year. Asia-Pacific will lead, buying 38 percent of new colocation capacity, while North America will follow with 30 percent. Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) will purchase 27 percent; and Latin America will obtain five percent.  

So, what does this mean for data centre facility and IT teams, as well as the consultants that help them equip white space? It’s clear that business growth will likely continue unabated, space is at a premium and speed of deployment is more important than ever. These teams are carefully considering the layout of data centre floor space and the design of IT and power distribution architectures to meet emerging business needs. 


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