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The page you're viewing is for Italian (EMEA) region.

Customers requires accessibility to a business. This is powered by the availability of the datacenter and a key metric of how the business and data center is measured. However, availability is often paid for by excessive redundancy of power and cooling. Ensuring data centers run 24x7, and efficicently, requires a common model of information for IT and facilities to work with to understand the real-time data and, trends to be able to correctly provision power and cooling at the actual level required, with the intelligence of alarm notification where a set threshold may be breached.

Uptime Performance
Have greater availability and uptime performance. Reduce unplanned downtime
Gain real-time visibility into energy consumption and operating efficiencies. Know current and future energy needs based on historical data.
Business Continuity
Quickly respond to critical alarms/issues that threaten business operations.
Use a comprehensive event management and alarm notification system. Configure and manage alarm significance so important ones are addressed first.
Centralized Monitoring
Reduce time sorting critical information from multiple databases.
​Collect and analyze real-time data for monitoring business-critical infrastructure, environmental conditions and power consumption. View device-level data and trends and generate reports with ease.
Industry Compliance
Measure efficiency and comply with industry-approved efficiency metrics (PUE and DCIE).
​Use the unified dashboard to view energy usage and operating efficiency together to ensure compliance, maximize energy usage and minimize energy waste.

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