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Smart Energy World Summit
octobre 24 - octobre 25, 2018
Leonardo Hotel Milan City Center, Milan, Italy
There is a pressing need to accelerate the development of low-carbon energy technologies in order to address the global challenges of energy security, climate change and economic growth. Vertiv is investing heavily in research and development for grid support technologies as well as forging partnerships with leading energy providers, namely E.ON
Smart Energy World Summit is the meeting place for power companies, grid operators, and research and industry organisations from the field of smart energy to meet and learn about the latest in grid support and renewable technologies. 
Vertiv is pleased to be the Keynote partner of Smart Energy World Summit. Emiliano Cevenini - VP Sales Commercial & Light Industrial for Vertiv in EMEA - and Stefano Mozzato - Italy Country Manager for Vertiv - will hold the conference opening speech “Moving energy through time: trends in energy storage & the evolution of the UPS”. Furthermore, Emiliano Cevenini will be one of the speakers of the “Smart Energy storage: grid empowerment” panel.

Register using the discount code SEWS18VERTIV and join us at the event! You will learn about the latest in grid support and renewable technologies and meet our experts at Vertiv booth.

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