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Prefabricated and modular are distinct methodologies but we know from market research that adoption of so-called prefabricated modular (PFM) data centers, that combine both techniques, are growing rapidly. In fact, the market for PFM data centers is set to expand at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.4 percent through 2021, according to industry analyst 451 Research.

But what do we mean when we say prefabricated, what do we mean when we say modular, and what benefits do they confer to the construction, operation, and modification of critical facilities like data centers?

This whitepaper will address those questions and provide clarity on the specific benefits that PFM data centers can provide over traditional construction techniques; benefits that could eventually see PFM shift from being an alternative and disruptive technology to becoming the default option for new data center capacity in the future.

Download the White Paper Now







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