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Clariden Bank Chooses Avocent® Data Center Management Solutions from Vertiv

dezembro 20, 2018


Complete control over both data centers is important to the system administrators, and not just during working hours. Access during standby service periods is also possible on the basis of a variety of encryption mechanisms and access controls. Clariden Bank chose the DSR™ 2010 KVM over IP switch from Avocent because the solution enables servers to be controlled and managed from any administrator workplace via standard IP connections within a shielded network, regardless of distance.


  • The digital server management solution developed by Avocent meets the highest demands in the sensitive area of data protection at this bank. All systems protected by a firewall are managed using the Avocent DSR switching solution.
  • Both locations have sufficient resources to monitor business critical data and applications. Using the Avocent DSView® software interface, the system administrator can monitor the status of all computers.

Case Summary

Zürich, Switzerland

Critical Need: Complete control over both data centers is critical. The digital server management solution must meet the highest demands in the sensitive area of data protection.
Vertiv Solution:
  • Avocent DSR 2010 KVM over IP switch
  • Avocent DSView software interface
Download the Case Study

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