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Building What’s Next in Data Center Infrastructure: A Conversation With Compass Datacenters CEO, Chris Crosby

mars 15, 2024


Compass Datacenters combines advanced construction and manufacturing processes with innovative technology, designing and constructing data center projects for some of the world’s largest hyperscalers and cloud providers.

Founded in 2011 by Chris Crosby, Compass prioritizes end-to-end environmental impact from design to post-delivery performance and holds continuous improvement as a core conviction.

Compass Datacenters has achieved remarkable growth. As of November 2023, it has delivered more than $5 billion in data center projects, capitalizing on its locations in major data center markets like Milan, Toronto, Phoenix, Virginia, and Dallas. Vertiv's solutions continue to play a pivotal role as Compass builds on this momentum. This long-standing collaboration has resulted in innovative designs for liquid, air-cooled, and future-ready solutions. Dive into the transformative partnership that’s shaping the future of data centers.


  1. Culture Synergy: Compass and Vertiv value creative collaboration, enhancing their partnership. They work closely together to design new solutions, constantly adapting to the changing market needs.
  2. Thermal Solutions: As Compass' main thermal solutions and services partner, Vertiv has collaborated on design, resulting in innovative offerings.
  3. Future Readiness: Vertiv helps Compass meet increasing artificial intelligence (AI) demands and handle the expected growth in capacity.


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