Liebert.PEX4S All-weather Free Cooling solution
Liebert.PEX4S All-weather Free Cooling with superior technology that plays for itself and enable modern data center to enjoy abundant load variation with premium efficiency, it provides up to 50% higher efficiency than traditional systems - and it uses no water. Its advanced controls automate economization to get the most free-cooling in any environment. Liebert.PEX4S series air conditioning includes 10 models of cooling unit (35~120 kW). These models are available in both upflow and downflow configurations.
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- Banking, Financial and Insurance
- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Government
- Telecom
Liebert.PEX4S All-weather Free Cooling solution
Liebert.PEX4S All-weather Free Cooling with superior technology that plays for itself and enable modern data center to enjoy abundant load variation with premium efficiency, it provides up to 50% higher efficiency than traditional systems - and it uses no water. Its advanced controls automate economization to get the most free-cooling in any environment. Liebert.PEX4S series air conditioning includes 10 models of cooling unit (35~120 kW). These models are available in both upflow and downflow configurations.
- Banking, Financial and Insurance
- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Government
- Telecom
Liebert.PEX4S All-weather Free Cooling with superior technology that plays for itself and enable modern data center to enjoy abundant load variation with premium efficiency, thanks to integral design that packs with the best EC compressor, EC fan, EEV & green refrigerant. It provides up to 50% higher efficiency than traditional systems - and it uses no water. Its advanced controls automate economization to get the most free-cooling in any environment. Liebert.PEX4S series air conditioning includes 10 models of cooling unit (35~120 kW). These models are available in both upflow and downflow configurations.