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NetSure 7000 Series DC Power System

Designed for medium sized central office telecom and data center applications, ideal for replacing less power efficient solutions at site where optimal power expandability, efficiency, and system availability are key to success. Featuring Intelligent Load Management for individual current measurements.

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Meest geschikt voor:
  • Omroepwezen en Entertainment
  • Datacenter/colocatie/hosting
  • Overheid
  • Militair, defensie, luchtvaart en raketten
  • Telecom

The NetSure™ 7000 Series is designed for central offices requiring power efficiency, reliability and system availability in a small footprint. With Intelligent Load Management, individual loads can be measured and monitored, enabling tuning of power & distribution based on actual load conditions. By providing early warnings before potential overload actions to avoid failures can be taken upfront.


With early warnings before potential overload, ations to avoid failures can be taken upfront with Intelliget Load Management feature
Accurate billing and cost control with customer power consumption map by monitoring the aggregated consumption for each customer on site level
Safe and easy adaptation to new load requirements with hot-swappable rectifiers and distribution units
High efficiency solutions from grid to load minimizes power conversion energy losses, reduces heat dissipation and lowers energy consumption
Easily adapt to evolving site powering needs
Affordable high power density with scalable A+B configuration in a Stand Alone Cabinet
TSI™ inverters in Converged systems bridge static switch shortcomings with ‘electronic switch’ functionality that provides redundancy in N+1 configurations 


Individual current measurement feature displays current reading for each fuse/circuit breaker
Site energy consumption mapping displays energy consumption for each DC power fed server rack 
Hot-swappable rectifiers and distribution units
Cabinet efficiency >99,7% from rectifier output to distribution output enabling maximum system efficiency <96,2% from grid to load
Multi cabinets expandable to 2,8 MW for telecom and datacom equipment located in close proximity to the load
Scalable A+B configuration in a Stand Alone Cabinet
TSI™ inverters in converged systems bridge static switch shortcomings with ‘electronic switch’ functionality that provides redundancy in N+1 configurations 

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Vertiv (Customer Service for DC Power Systems & Outdoor Enclosures)
+1 800 800 1280
Producten op het gebied van: DC-systemen, PDU’s, Behuizingen voor buitenopstelling
Vertiv (Technical Support for DC Power and Outdoor Enclosures)
+1 800 800 5260
Producten op het gebied van: DC-systemen, Behuizingen voor buitenopstelling

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