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Rodzina produktu

Vertiv™ TimberMod™

Vertiv™ TimberMod™ is the variant of the Vertiv™ SmartMod™ and Vertiv™ Power Module using mass timber as structural element instead of steel. This alternative supports customer’s sustainability objectives by using a more environmentally friendly material that can minimize resource depletion and can lower emissions. ​

Najważniejsze zalety
Addresses data center owners’ and operators’ desires to use more sustainable processes – without compromising performance or speed to market. Leverages mass timber as a structural element: Built with mass timber, Vertiv TimberMod offers the same level of reliability as steel, ensuring robust performance when encountering seismic activity, wind forces, and structural demands. Uses natural materials: Mass timber can be a renewable construction material based on how it is produced, harvested, and used. Organizations that deploy Vertiv TimberMod can minimize resource depletion and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Can be flexibly and rapidly deployed: Offering prefabricated critical power and IT infrastructure, Vertiv TimberMod is ideal for small and medium-sized data centers that want to deploy new capacity at pace.
Idealne rozwiązanie dla:
  • Banking
  • Financial and Insurance
  • Broadcast and Entertainment
  • Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and Gas
  • Retail and Wholesale
  • Telecom


• Mass timber can have less carbon footprint than other construction materials. ​ • Mass timber has the potential to lower the emissions embodied in buildings.​ • Mass timber is renewable, if coming from sustainably harvested wood. ​ • TimberMod™ is equivalent to our steel modules regarding seismic, wind and strength performances.


• Vertiv™ TimberMod™ uses mass timber as structural element instead of steel, supporting customer’s sustainability objectives. ​

Znajdź kontakt w Twoim regionie

Kontakt z działem wsparcia produktowego

Pokazane kontakty dla Ohio, 43215, USA Zmień
Vertiv (Liebert Services)
+1 800 543 2378
610 Executive Campus Drive Westerville Ohio 43082 USA
Kluczowe obszary produktów: Zasilacze bezprzerwowe (UPS), Dystrybucja zasilania, Klimatyzacja precyzyjna, Zintegrowane rozwiązania, Szafy rack i obudowy
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